path: root/dist
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-05Fix netifd peer config.Hristo Venev
2020-02-04Remove the old procd init script.Hristo Venev
2020-02-04Add the new options to the netifd script.Hristo Venev
2019-11-10Add netifd protocol script.Hristo Venev
2019-11-10Release config files under CC0-1.0.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30Document [peer], implement in procd.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30 Add SPDX-License-Identifier.Hristo Venev
2019-09-29systemd, changelog, bumpv0.2.0Hristo Venev
2019-05-18Create cache and state files in mode 0o0600.Hristo Venev
2019-05-18procd service, manifestHristo Venev