AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-09-17Release v0.3.2.HEADmasterHristo Venev
2020-09-17Documentation fixHristo Venev
2020-03-28Release v0.3.1.Hristo Venev
2020-03-28Use `wg addconf'.Hristo Venev
2020-02-09Generate random temporary file names.Hristo Venev
2020-02-07Load the preshared keys on startup.Hristo Venev
2020-02-06Remove an unwrap.Hristo Venev
2020-02-06Simplify argument parsing.Hristo Venev
2020-02-06Don't die if removing a temporary file fails.Hristo Venev
2020-02-05Release v0.3.0.v0.3.0Hristo Venev
2020-02-05Add man pages.Hristo Venev
2020-02-05Fix netifd peer config.Hristo Venev
2020-02-04Remove the old procd init script.Hristo Venev
2020-02-04Add the new options to the netifd script.Hristo Venev
2020-02-04Add source.allow_road_warriors option.Hristo Venev
2020-02-04Drop unused impls.Hristo Venev
2020-02-04Move source names inside the source sections.Hristo Venev
This means that the order of the sources is preserved.
2020-02-04More peer options in config.Hristo Venev
endpoint and keepalive
2020-02-04Clippy.Hristo Venev
2020-02-04Reference preshared keys by path.Hristo Venev
2020-01-27Update dependencies.Hristo Venev
2019-11-10Add netifd protocol script.Hristo Venev
2019-11-10Release config files under CC0-1.0.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30Remove unneeded derives.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30Release v0.2.1.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30Fix typo.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30Don't use `#[serde(flatten)]`.Hristo Venev
It breaks the error line numbers.
2019-09-30Lowercase errors.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30Show the exact reason a network is invalid.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30Simplify main functions.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30Document [peer], implement in procd.Hristo Venev
2019-09-30 Add SPDX-License-Identifier.Hristo Venev
2019-09-29systemd, changelog, bumpv0.2.0Hristo Venev
2019-09-29Create separate files for psks.Hristo Venev
2019-09-29I don't like `if let` that much.Hristo Venev
2019-09-28Implement peer overrides.Hristo Venev
2019-09-28PeerConfig -> GlobalConfigHristo Venev
2019-09-28Silence clippy warning.Hristo Venev
2019-09-28Split updater into module.Hristo Venev
2019-09-28Move builder inside manager.Hristo Venev
2019-05-18Release v0.1.2.v0.1.2Hristo Venev
2019-05-18Create cache and state files in mode 0o0600.Hristo Venev
2019-05-18procd service, manifestHristo Venev
2019-05-18Add tests for IP sets.Hristo Venev
2019-05-18Implement persistent state.Hristo Venev
2019-05-18Implement command-line config parsing.Hristo Venev
2019-05-17Set the persistent keepalive.Hristo Venev
2019-05-17Postpone the y2k38 problem from 2004 to Jan 7 2038.Hristo Venev
2019-05-17rustfmt and styleHristo Venev
2019-04-03Manifestv0.1.1Hristo Venev