AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-11Use pread() instead of mmap().HEADmasterHristo Venev
2020-06-06Fix wraparound.Hristo Venev
2020-06-06Print prettier time.Hristo Venev
2020-06-06Copy 8 bytes at a time instead of 4.Hristo Venev
2020-06-06Slightly improve string copy loop.Hristo Venev
2020-06-04Change license to dual GPL2+ and BSD 3-clause.for-raspberrypi-userlandHristo Venev
2020-06-04Make error messages more uniform.Hristo Venev
2020-06-04Map VC memory as RO, fix error message.Hristo Venev
2020-06-04Initial commit.Hristo Venev