diff options
authorHristo Venev <>2021-08-26 17:30:35 +0300
committerHristo Venev <>2021-08-26 17:30:35 +0300
commita2b2fe7da78378dc6a64f58c14e907496c9adea9 (patch)
Initial commitHEADmaster
10 files changed, 1803 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..225fc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8598d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import patchstate as ps
+import io, os, sys, subprocess, tempfile
+def main(args):
+ args = iter(args)
+ arg0 = next(args)
+ @ps.argparse_all(args)
+ def path(arg):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid argument: {arg!r}')
+ [repo_path] = path
+ repo = ps.Repository(repo_path)
+ with, 'series'), 'r') as f:
+ pcur = ps.Series.parse(
+ ok = True
+ reverted = {}
+ for pi in
+ mode = pi.mode
+ p = pi.get_patch(repo)
+ if mode == 'reverted':
+ pid =
+ if pid in reverted:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'reverted twice: {pid!r}')
+ reverted[pid] = p
+ continue
+ if not mode.startswith('reverts '):
+ continue
+ pid = mode[8:]
+ revp = reverted.pop(pid)
+ d1 = ps.fmt_diff(revp.files, munge=True)
+ d2 = ps.fmt_diff(p.revert().files, munge=True)
+ if d1 != d2:
+ ok = False
+ print(f'Bad diff for {pid} {revp.title}:')
+ if 0:
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b') as t1, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+b') as t2:
+ t1.write(d1)
+ t1.flush()
+ t2.write(d2)
+ t2.flush()
+ diff =['diff',,], capture_output=True, check=False)
+ diff = diff.stdout.decode('utf-8')
+ for line in diff.splitlines():
+ print(f'\t{line}')
+ for p in reverted.values():
+ print(f'Not reverted: {pid} {revp.title}')
+ ok = False
+ return 0 if ok else 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4ebc8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import patchstate as ps
+import patchtheory as pt
+import os, sys
+class PatchSeq:
+ __slots__ = ('upstreamed', 'diff', 'reverted', 'late')
+ def __init__(self, *, rebase=pt.Diff()):
+ self.upstreamed = -rebase
+ self.diff = pt.Diff()
+ self.reverted = []
+ def flush(self):
+ # We move all late patches back through the reverted
+ try:
+ late_kind,late = self.late
+ except AttributeError:
+ return
+ del self.late
+ print('Flushing', file=sys.stderr)
+ late = sum(late, pt.Diff())
+ for rev in reversed(self.reverted):
+ (late, rev[1]) = pt.Diff.commute(rev[1], late)
+ if late_kind == 'apply':
+ self.diff += late
+ return
+ (late, self.diff) = pt.Diff.commute(self.diff, late)
+ if late_kind == 'upstreamed':
+ self.upstreamed += late
+ return
+ raise AssertionError
+ def _push_late(self, kind, diff):
+ try:
+ lkind,late = self.late
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.late = (kind, (late := []))
+ else:
+ if lkind != kind:
+ self.flush()
+ self.late = (kind, (late := []))
+ late.append(diff)
+ def _push_reverted(self, by_pid, diff):
+ self.flush()
+ self.reverted.append([by_pid, diff])
+ def _push_revert(self, pid, diff):
+ self.flush()
+ for i,rev in enumerate(reverted := self.reverted):
+ if rev[0] == pid:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(f'patch {pid} not marked as reverted')
+ if reverted.pop(i) is not rev:
+ raise AssertionError
+ rdiff = rev[1]
+ for rev in reverted[i:]:
+ rev[1],rdiff = pt.Diff.commute(rdiff, rev[1])
+ if rdiff + diff:
+ raise KeyError(f'revert of {pid} not exact')
+ def push(self, patch_info, patch):
+ diff = patch.diff
+ mode = patch_info.mode.split(' ', 1)
+ kind = mode[0]
+ if kind in {'apply', 'upstreamed'}:
+ self._push_late(kind, diff)
+ return
+ if kind == 'subst':
+ with open(mode[1], 'rb') as diff2:
+ diff2 =
+ diff2 = pt.Diff.parse(diff2)
+ self._push_late('apply', diff2)
+ self._push_reverted(None, (-diff2) + diff)
+ return
+ if kind == 'reverted':
+ self._push_reverted(patch_info.patch_id, diff)
+ return
+ if kind in {'skip', 'replaced'}:
+ self._push_reverted(None, diff)
+ return
+ if kind == 'reverts':
+ self._push_revert(mode[1], diff)
+ return
+ raise TypeError(f'bad patch kind: {kind!r}')
+ def finish(self, prb):
+ self.flush()
+ for pid,_ in self.reverted:
+ if pid is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'missing revert for {pid!r}')
+ return prb + pt.Diff.commute(-prb + self.upstreamed, self.diff)[0]
+def main(args):
+ args = iter(args)
+ arg0 = next(args)
+ @ps.argparse_all(args)
+ def path(arg):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid argument: {arg!r}')
+ repo_path = path.pop(0)
+ if path:
+ with open(path.pop(0), 'rb') as rebase_patch:
+ rebase_patch =
+ rebase_patch = pt.Diff.parse(rebase_patch)
+ else:
+ rebase_patch = pt.Diff()
+ if path:
+ with open(path.pop(0), 'rb') as prb_patch:
+ prb_patch =
+ prb_patch = pt.Diff.parse(prb_patch)
+ else:
+ prb_patch = pt.Diff()
+ assert not path
+ repo = ps.Repository(repo_path)
+ with open(os.path.join(repo.path, 'series'), 'r') as f:
+ pcur = ps.Series.parse(
+ seq = PatchSeq(rebase=rebase_patch)
+ for pi in
+ p = pi.get_patch(repo)
+ print('Applying', p.title, file=sys.stderr)
+ seq.push(pi, p)
+ seq.finish(prb_patch).write(sys.stdout.buffer.write)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..800f0c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import patchstate as ps
+import io, os, sys
+def lcs(a, b, *, key):
+ a = [*a]
+ b = [*b]
+ if not a or not b:
+ return []
+ kas = [*map(key, a)]
+ m = [(0,)]
+ for v in a:
+ m.append((m[-1][0] + 1, v, None, m[-1]))
+ for v in b:
+ kb = key(v)
+ mi = iter(m)
+ mv = next(mi)
+ m2 = [(mv[0] + 1, None, v, mv)]
+ for ia,mv in enumerate(mi):
+ if kas[ia] == kb:
+ mv = m[ia]
+ m2.append((mv[0], a[ia], v, mv))
+ continue
+ mv1 = m2[-1]
+ if mv[0] <= mv1[0]:
+ m2.append((mv[0] + 1, None, v, mv))
+ else:
+ m2.append((mv1[0] + 1, a[ia], None, mv1))
+ del mv1
+ del ia
+ del mi, mv
+ m = m2
+ m = m[-1]
+ del v, a, b, kas
+ m2 = []
+ while len(m) == 4:
+ _,a,b,m = m
+ m2.append((a,b))
+ assert m == (0,)
+ m2.reverse()
+ return m2
+def main(args):
+ args = iter(args)
+ arg0 = next(args)
+ @ps.argparse_all(args)
+ def path(arg):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid argument: {arg!r}')
+ [repo_path, import_path] = path
+ repo = ps.Repository(repo_path)
+ pnew = repo.import_dir(import_path)
+ with, 'series'), 'r') as f:
+ pcur = ps.Series.parse(
+ r = []
+ for p1,p2 in lcs(,, key=lambda p: p.patch_id):
+ if p1 is None:
+ r.append(p2)
+ continue
+ if p2 is None:
+ r.append(p1.update(new_mode='gone'))
+ continue
+ r.append(p2.update(mode=p1.mode,
+ = r
+ pnew_data = pnew.fmt()
+ with, 'series'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write(pnew_data)
+ repo.gc({p.patch_hash for p in})
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11b9fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+set -e
+DIR="$(realpath $(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE"))"
+cd "$DIR"
+rm -rf "incoming-$ver"
+mkdir "incoming-$ver"
+ cd "$HOME/sw/linux"
+ base="$(git merge-base "linux-stable/linux-$ver.y" "raspberrypi/rpi-$ver.y")"
+ git format-patch -o "$DIR/incoming-$ver" "$base".."raspberrypi/rpi-$ver.y"
+ git diff "$base".."linux-stable/linux-$ver.y" > "$DIR/stable-$ver.patch"
+python3 "rpi-$ver" "incoming-$ver"
+python3 "rpi-$ver" "stable-$ver.patch" "prb-$ver.patch" > "rpi-$ver.patch"
+cp "rpi-$ver.patch" ~/sw/fedora/hvenev-kernel/patches/9000-rpi.patch
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09dea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import patchstate as ps
+import io, os, sys
+def main(args):
+ args = iter(args)
+ arg0 = next(args)
+ @ps.argparse_all(args)
+ def path(arg):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid argument: {arg!r}')
+ [repo_path] = path
+ repo = ps.Repository(repo_path)
+ with, 'series'), 'r') as f:
+ pcur = ps.Series.parse(
+ idmap = {}
+ for i,pi in enumerate(
+ h = pi.patch_hash
+ try:
+ h = repo.aliases[h]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ p = repo.patches[h]
+ if pi.patch_id in idmap:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'duplicate patch id: {pi.patch_id!r}')
+ idmap[pi.patch_id] =
+[i] = pi.update(patch=p)
+ print(idmap)
+ for i,pi in enumerate(
+ m = pi.mode
+ if m.startswith('reverts '):
+ m = f'reverts {idmap[m[8:]]}'
+[i] = pi.update(mode=m)
+ pcur = pcur.fmt()
+ with, 'series'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write(pcur)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79600e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+import io, sys, os, operator, re, base64, hashlib
+import patchtheory
+def strip_subject(s):
+ if not s.startswith(b'[PATCH'):
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid subject: {s!r}')
+ i = s.find(b'] ')
+ if i == -1:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid subject: {s!r}')
+ return s[i+2:]
+rem_patch = re.compile('patch ([0-9a-z]{16})').fullmatch
+rem_author = re.compile('[^\0-\x1f]+ <[^\0-\x1f]+@[^\0-\x1f]+>').fullmatch
+rem_date = re.compile('[^\0-\x1f]+').fullmatch
+rem_title = re.compile('[^\0-\x1f]+').fullmatch
+class Patch:
+ __slots__ = ('author', 'date', 'title', 'body', 'diff', 'data', 'hash', 'id')
+ def __init__(self, /, *, author, date, title, body, diff):
+ assert type(author) is str and rem_author(author) is not None
+ assert type(date) is str and rem_date(date) is not None
+ assert type(title) is str and rem_title(title) is not None
+ assert type(body) is str
+ assert type(diff) is patchtheory.Diff
+ = author
+ = date
+ self.title = title
+ self.body = body
+ self.diff = diff
+ self._set_data()
+ self._set_id()
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(tp, body):
+ lines = iter(body.split(b'\n'))
+ line = lines.__next__
+ l = line()
+ if l.startswith(b'From '):
+ l = line()
+ headers = {}
+ hdr = None
+ while True:
+ if not l:
+ break
+ if hdr is not None and l.startswith(b' '):
+ headers[hdr] += l
+ else:
+ hdr,sep,val = l.partition(b':')
+ if not sep:
+ raise ValueError(f'Expected header line: {l!r}')
+ headers[hdr] = val.lstrip()
+ l = line()
+ author = headers.pop(b'From').decode('utf-8')
+ date = headers.pop(b'Date').decode('utf-8')
+ title = strip_subject(headers.pop(b'Subject')).decode('utf-8')
+ headers.pop(b'MIME-Version', None)
+ headers.pop(b'Content-Type', None)
+ headers.pop(b'Content-Transfer-Encoding', None)
+ body = []
+ for l in lines:
+ if l.startswith(b'diff --git'):
+ break
+ body.append(l)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('unexpected EOF')
+ while not body[-1]:
+ del body[-1]
+ while body[-1].startswith(b' '):
+ del body[-1]
+ if body[-1] != b'---':
+ raise RuntimeError
+ del body[-1]
+ while body and not body[-1]:
+ del body[-1]
+ body = b'\n'.join(body).decode('utf-8')
+ return Patch(
+ author = author,
+ date = date,
+ title = title,
+ body = body,
+ diff = patchtheory.Diff.parse_l(l, line),
+ )
+ def _set_id(self):
+ out = io.BytesIO()
+ w = out.write
+ w('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\n')
+ w('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\n')
+ w(self.title.encode('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\n')
+ self.diff.write_munged(w)
+ out = out.getvalue()
+ dgst = hashlib.blake2b(out).digest()
+ = base64.b32encode(dgst[:10]).lower().decode('ascii')
+ def as_filename(self):
+ return '-'.join(re.findall('[0-9A-Za-z]+', self.title))[:72]
+ def _set_data(self):
+ out = io.BytesIO()
+ w = out.write
+ w(b'From: ')
+ w('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\nDate: ')
+ w('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\nSubject: [PATCH] ')
+ w(self.title.encode('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\n\n')
+ w(self.body.encode('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\n---\n\n')
+ self.diff.write(w)
+ w(b'-- \n0.0.0 patchstate\n\n')
+ = data = out.getvalue()
+ self.hash = base64.b32encode(hashlib.blake2b(data).digest()[:20]).lower().decode('ascii')
+ def revert(self):
+ r = Patch(
+ author =,
+ date =,
+ title = f'Revert "{self.title}"',
+ body = self.body,
+ diff = -self.diff,
+ )
+ r._set_data()
+ r._set_id()
+ return r
+class PatchInfo:
+ __slots__ = ('patch_id', '_body')
+ def __init__(self, patch_id, info):
+ self.patch_id = patch_id
+ self._body = info
+ def get_patch(self, repo):
+ p = repo.patches[self.patch_hash]
+ if != self.patch_id:
+ raise KeyError(f'patch id mismatch: {self.patch_id!r} -> {!r}')
+ if p.title != self.patch_title:
+ raise KeyError(f'patch title mismatch: {self.patch_title!r} -> {p.title!r}')
+ return p
+ @property
+ def patch_hash(self):
+ return self._body[0]
+ @property
+ def patch_title(self):
+ return self._body[1]
+ @property
+ def mode(self):
+ return self._body[2]
+ @property
+ def info(self):
+ return self._body[3:]
+ def update(self, *, patch=None, patch_id=None, patch_hash=None, patch_title=None, mode=None, new_mode=None, info=None):
+ if patch_title is None:
+ patch_title = self.patch_title
+ if patch is not None:
+ assert patch_id is None
+ assert patch_hash is None
+ if patch_title != patch.title:
+ raise ValueError('patch title change: {patch_title!r} -> {patch.title!r}')
+ patch_id =
+ patch_hash = patch.hash
+ else:
+ if patch_id is None:
+ patch_id = self.patch_id
+ if patch_hash is None:
+ patch_hash = self.patch_hash
+ if info is None:
+ info =
+ if mode is None:
+ mode = self.mode
+ if new_mode is not None and new_mode != mode:
+ info.insert(0, f'(was {mode})')
+ mode = new_mode
+ return PatchInfo(patch_id, [patch_hash, patch_title, mode, *info])
+class Series:
+ __slots__ = ('info',)
+ def __init__(self, /, info=None):
+ if info is None:
+ info = []
+ = info
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(tp, data):
+ inf = []
+ lines = iter(data.split('\n'))
+ l = next(lines)
+ while True:
+ if not l:
+ try:
+ l = next(lines)
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ continue
+ m = rem_patch(l)
+ if m is None:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid header: {l!r}')
+ pid =
+ ldata = []
+ while True:
+ l = next(lines)
+ if not l.startswith('\t'):
+ break
+ ldata.append(l[1:])
+ if len(ldata) < 3:
+ raise ValueError(f'Expected data after {f"patch {pid}"!r}')
+ while ldata and not ldata[-1]:
+ del ldata[-1]
+ inf.append(PatchInfo(pid, ldata))
+ return tp(info=inf)
+ def fmt(self):
+ out = io.StringIO()
+ w = out.write
+ for pi in
+ w(f'patch {pi.patch_id}')
+ for line in pi._body:
+ w('\n\t')
+ w(line)
+ w('\n')
+ return out.getvalue()
+class Repository:
+ __slots__ = ('path', 'patches', 'aliases', 'by_id')
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self.path = path
+ self.patches = {}
+ self.by_id = {}
+ aliases = {}
+ for fn in os.listdir(path):
+ if not fn.endswith('.patch'):
+ continue
+ fp = os.path.join(path, fn)
+ with, 'rb') as f:
+ data =
+ try:
+ p = Patch.parse(data)
+ except ValueError as exc:
+ print(f'Failed to parse {fn!r}: {exc}', file=sys.stderr)
+ os.unlink(fp)
+ continue
+ h = p.hash
+ if fn != f'{h}.patch':
+ aliases[fn[:-6]] = (h,p)
+ else:
+ self.patches[h] = p
+ self.by_id.setdefault(, []).append(p)
+ for h,(h2,p) in aliases.items():
+ assert h != h2
+ assert h not in self.patches
+ if h2 in self.patches:
+ continue
+ print(f'Migrating patch: {h!r} -> {h2!r}', file=sys.stderr)
+ self.patches[h2] = p
+ with, f'{h2}.patch'), 'xb') as f:
+ f.write(
+ self.aliases = {h: h2 for h,(h2,p) in aliases.items()}
+ def hash_data(self, data):
+ data = hashlib.blake2b(data).digest()
+ return base64.b32encode(data[:20]).lower().decode()
+ def insert_patch(self, patch):
+ p = self.patches.setdefault(patch.hash, patch)
+ if p is patch:
+ pid =
+ try:
+ pd = self.by_id[pid]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.by_id[pid] = [p]
+ else:
+ print(f'Duplicate patch ID: {pid!r} {p.title}', file=sys.stderr)
+ pd.append(p)
+ with, f'{p.hash}.patch'), 'xb') as f:
+ f.write(
+ return p
+ def import_dir(self, path):
+ r = Series()
+ = inf = []
+ for fn in sorted(os.listdir(path)):
+ if not fn.endswith('.patch'):
+ print(f'Skipping {fn!r}', file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ with, fn), 'rb') as f:
+ patch = Patch.parse(
+ patch = self.insert_patch(patch)
+ inf.append(PatchInfo(, [patch.hash, patch.title, 'new']))
+ return r
+ def gc(self, keep):
+ for h in self.patches.keys() - keep:
+ del self.patches[h]
+ print(f'Removing patch: {h!r}', file=sys.stderr)
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(self.path, f'{h}.patch'))
+def argparse_next(args, func=...):
+ def do_argparse(func):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ arg = next(args)
+ except StopIteration:
+ return None
+ if arg == '--':
+ return next(args, None)
+ if not arg.startswith('-'):
+ return arg
+ arg = func(arg)
+ if arg is not None:
+ return arg
+ if func is not ...:
+ return do_argparse(func)
+ return do_argparse
+def argparse_all(args, func=...):
+ def do_argparse(func):
+ r = []
+ while True:
+ try:
+ arg = next(args)
+ except StopIteration:
+ return r
+ if arg == '--':
+ r.extend(args)
+ return r
+ if not arg.startswith('-'):
+ r.append(arg)
+ continue
+ arg = func(arg)
+ if arg is not None:
+ r.extend(arg)
+ if func is not ...:
+ return do_argparse(func)
+ return do_argparse
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b3e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+import re, operator, io, sys
+rem_range = re.compile(b'@@ -([0-9]+)(?:,([0-9]+))? \\+([0-9]+)(?:,([0-9]+))? @@(?: .*)?').fullmatch
+rem_diffgit = re.compile('diff --git a/([^ ]*) b/([^ ]*)').fullmatch
+INFINITY = 2**64
+class PatchError(Exception):
+ __slots__ = ('a', 'b')
+ def __init__(self, a, b, /, fn=None):
+ super().__init__(fn)
+ self.a = a
+ self.b = b
+ def __str__(self, /):
+ fn = self.args[0]
+ r = [f' in {fn!r}:' if fn is not None else ':']
+ def tabmangle(p):
+ o = io.BytesIO()
+ p.write(o.write)
+ p = o.getvalue().decode('utf-8', 'replace').splitlines()
+ return [' ' + l for l in p]
+ r.append('')
+ r += tabmangle(self.a)
+ r.append('')
+ r += tabmangle(self.b)
+ return '\n'.join(r)
+class ConflictError(PatchError):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __str__(self, /):
+ return 'Conflict' + PatchError.__str__(self)
+class MismatchError(PatchError):
+ __slots__ = ()
+ def __str__(self, /):
+ return 'Mismatch' + PatchError.__str__(self)
+class Hunk:
+ __slots__ = ('lhs_line', 'rhs_line', 'pre_context', 'lhs', 'rhs', 'post_context')
+ def __init__(self, /, *, lhs_line, rhs_line, pre_context, lhs, rhs, post_context):
+ assert lhs_line > 0
+ assert rhs_line > 0
+ self.lhs_line = lhs_line
+ self.rhs_line = rhs_line
+ self.pre_context = pre_context
+ self.lhs = lhs
+ self.rhs = rhs
+ self.post_context = post_context
+ @property
+ def lhs_size(self, /):
+ return len(self.pre_context) + len(self.lhs) + len(self.post_context)
+ @property
+ def rhs_size(self, /):
+ return len(self.pre_context) + len(self.rhs) + len(self.post_context)
+ def write(self, w, /, munge=False, *, lhs_line=None, rhs_line=None, lhs_nl=True, rhs_nl=True):
+ if lhs_line is None:
+ lhs_line = self.lhs_line
+ if rhs_line is None:
+ rhs_line = self.rhs_line
+ pre_context = self.pre_context
+ lhs = self.lhs
+ rhs = self.rhs
+ post_context = self.post_context
+ clen = len(pre_context) + len(post_context)
+ llen = len(lhs) + clen
+ rlen = len(rhs) + clen
+ if munge:
+ w(f'@@ -xxx,{llen} +yyy,{rlen} @@'.encode('utf-8'))
+ else:
+ w(f'@@ -{lhs_line},{llen} +{rhs_line},{rlen} @@'.encode('utf-8'))
+ for l in pre_context:
+ w(b'\n ')
+ w(l)
+ for l in lhs:
+ w(b'\n-')
+ w(l)
+ for l in rhs:
+ w(b'\n+')
+ w(l)
+ for l in post_context:
+ w(b'\n ')
+ w(l)
+ w(b'\n')
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_l(tp, l, line, /):
+ m = rem_range(l)
+ if m is None:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid patch: bad range info {l!r}')
+ lhs_line,n2,rhs_line,n4 = m.groups()
+ lhs_line = 1 if lhs_line == b'0' else int(lhs_line)
+ rhs_line = 1 if rhs_line == b'0' else int(rhs_line)
+ n2 = int(n2) if n2 else 1
+ n4 = int(n4) if n4 else 1
+ hunk = []
+ prev = -1
+ lhs_nl = True
+ rhs_nl = True
+ post_nl = True
+ while True:
+ l = line()
+ if l.startswith(b'\\ '):
+ if prev == 0:
+ lhs_nl = False
+ elif prev == 1:
+ rhs_nl = False
+ elif prev == -1:
+ post_nl = False
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: bad "No newline at end of file" flag')
+ prev = -2
+ continue
+ if not n2 and not n4:
+ break
+ k = l[0]
+ if k == b' '[0]:
+ if not post_nl or not lhs_nl or not rhs_nl:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: bad "No newline at end of file" flag')
+ if not n2 or not n4:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: bad line count')
+ n2 -= 1
+ n4 -= 1
+ prev = -1
+ elif k == b'-'[0]:
+ if not post_nl or not lhs_nl:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: bad "No newline at end of file" flag')
+ if not n2:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: bad line count')
+ n2 -= 1
+ prev = 0
+ elif k == b'+'[0]:
+ if not post_nl or not rhs_nl:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: bad "No newline at end of file" flag')
+ if not n4:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: bad line count')
+ n4 -= 1
+ prev = 1
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid patch: bad prefix character {chr(k)!r}')
+ assert False
+ hunk.append(l)
+ lret = l
+ strip1 = operator.itemgetter(slice(1,None))
+ for i,l in enumerate(hunk):
+ if l[0] != b' '[0]:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: no changed lines in hunk')
+ pre_context = (*map(strip1, hunk[:i]),)
+ del hunk[:i]
+ j = -1
+ while True:
+ l = hunk[j]
+ if l[0] != b' '[0]:
+ break
+ j -= 1
+ j += len(hunk) + 1
+ if not post_nl:
+ hunk[j] += b'\n\\ No newline at end of file'
+ post_context = (*map(strip1, hunk[j:]),)
+ del hunk[j:]
+ lhs = []
+ rhs = []
+ for l in hunk:
+ l0 = l[0]
+ if l0 != b'+'[0]:
+ lhs.append(l)
+ if l0 != b'-'[0]:
+ rhs.append(l)
+ if not lhs_nl:
+ lhs[-1] += b'\n\\ No newline at end of file'
+ if not rhs_nl:
+ rhs[-1] += b'\n\\ No newline at end of file'
+ return lret, tp(
+ lhs_line = lhs_line,
+ rhs_line = rhs_line,
+ pre_context = pre_context,
+ lhs = (*map(strip1, lhs),),
+ rhs = (*map(strip1, rhs),),
+ post_context = post_context,
+ )
+ def reduce_context(self, n=3):
+ pre = self.pre_context
+ lhs = self.lhs
+ rhs = self.rhs
+ post = self.post_context
+ i = 0
+ j = -1
+ m = min(len(lhs), len(rhs))
+ while i - j <= m:
+ if lhs[i] == rhs[i]:
+ i += 1
+ if i - j > m:
+ break
+ if lhs[j] == rhs[j]:
+ j -= 1
+ else:
+ if lhs[j] != rhs[j]:
+ break
+ j -= 1
+ j += 1
+ jl = len(lhs) + j
+ jr = len(rhs) + j
+ assert lhs[:i] == rhs[:i]
+ assert lhs[jl:] == rhs[jr:]
+ pre = pre + lhs[:i]
+ post = lhs[jl:] + post
+ lhs = lhs[i:jl]
+ rhs = rhs[i:jr]
+ if not lhs and not rhs:
+ return None
+ assert lhs != rhs
+ assert not lhs or not rhs or lhs[0] != rhs[0] and lhs[-1] != rhs[-1]
+ lhs_line = self.lhs_line
+ rhs_line = self.rhs_line
+ if n is None:
+ pass
+ elif not n:
+ d = len(pre)
+ lhs_line += d
+ rhs_line += d
+ pre = ()
+ post = ()
+ else:
+ if len(pre) > n:
+ d = len(pre) - n
+ lhs_line += d
+ rhs_line += d
+ pre = pre[d:]
+ if len(post) > n:
+ post = post[:n]
+ return Hunk(
+ lhs_line = lhs_line,
+ rhs_line = rhs_line,
+ pre_context = pre,
+ lhs = lhs,
+ rhs = rhs,
+ post_context = post,
+ )
+def join_hunks(hs_a, hs_b):
+ hs_a = iter(hs_a)
+ hs_b = iter(hs_b)
+ need_a = True
+ need_b = True
+ have_cur = False
+ def make_cur(n):
+ if not have_cur:
+ return None
+ return Hunk(
+ lhs_line = cur_lhs_line,
+ rhs_line = cur_rhs_line,
+ pre_context = (),
+ lhs = tuple(cur_lhs),
+ rhs = tuple(cur_rhs),
+ post_context = (),
+ ).reduce_context(n)
+ delta = 0
+ r = []
+ while True:
+ if need_a:
+ need_a = False
+ a = next(hs_a, None)
+ if need_b:
+ need_b = False
+ b = next(hs_b, None)
+ if not have_cur:
+ if a is not None and (b is None or a.rhs_line <= b.lhs_line):
+ cur_lhs_line = a.lhs_line
+ cur_rhs_line = a.lhs_line + delta
+ cur_lhs = [*a.pre_context, *a.lhs, *a.post_context]
+ cur_rhs = [*a.pre_context, *a.rhs, *a.post_context]
+ need_a = True
+ elif b is not None:
+ cur_lhs_line = b.rhs_line - delta
+ cur_rhs_line = b.rhs_line
+ cur_lhs = [*b.pre_context, *b.lhs, *b.post_context]
+ cur_rhs = [*b.pre_context, *b.rhs, *b.post_context]
+ need_b = True
+ else:
+ return (*r,)
+ have_cur = True
+ continue
+ cur_lhs_end = cur_lhs_line + len(cur_lhs)
+ cur_rhs_end = cur_rhs_line + len(cur_rhs)
+ if a is not None and a.lhs_line <= cur_lhs_end:
+ lhs = [*a.pre_context, *a.lhs, *a.post_context]
+ rhs = [*a.pre_context, *a.rhs, *a.post_context]
+ i = a.lhs_line - cur_lhs_line
+ k = i + len(rhs)
+ if len(cur_lhs) >= k:
+ if cur_lhs[i:k] != rhs:
+ raise MismatchError(make_cur(None), a)
+ cur_lhs[i:k] = lhs
+ else:
+ j = len(cur_lhs) - i
+ if cur_lhs[i:] != rhs[:j]:
+ raise MismatchError(make_cur(None), a)
+ cur_lhs[i:] = lhs
+ cur_rhs.extend(rhs[j:])
+ need_a = True
+ continue
+ if b is not None and b.rhs_line <= cur_rhs_end:
+ lhs = [*b.pre_context, *b.lhs, *b.post_context]
+ rhs = [*b.pre_context, *b.rhs, *b.post_context]
+ i = b.rhs_line - cur_rhs_line
+ k = i + len(lhs)
+ if len(cur_rhs) >= k:
+ if cur_rhs[i:k] != lhs:
+ raise MismatchError(make_cur(None), b)
+ cur_rhs[i:k] = rhs
+ else:
+ j = len(cur_rhs) - i
+ if cur_rhs[i:] != lhs[:j]:
+ raise MismatchError(make_cur(None), b)
+ cur_rhs[i:] = rhs
+ cur_lhs.extend(lhs[j:])
+ need_b = True
+ continue
+ cur = make_cur(3)
+ have_cur = False
+ if cur is None:
+ continue
+ r.append(cur)
+ delta += len(cur.rhs) - len(cur.lhs)
+def commute_hunks(hs_a, hs_b):
+ hs_a = iter(hs_a)
+ hs_b = iter(hs_b)
+ need_a = True
+ need_b = True
+ delta_a = 0
+ delta_b = 0
+ ra = []
+ rb = []
+ wa = ra.append
+ wb = rb.append
+ while True:
+ if need_a:
+ need_a = False
+ try:
+ a = next(hs_a)
+ except StopIteration:
+ if b is None and not need_b:
+ break
+ a = None
+ a_begin = INFINITY
+ a_pre = ()
+ a_post = ()
+ a_end = INFINITY
+ else:
+ a_pre = a.pre_context
+ a_post = a.post_context
+ a_begin = a.rhs_line + len(a_pre)
+ a_end = a_begin + len(a.rhs)
+ if need_b:
+ need_b = False
+ try:
+ b = next(hs_b)
+ except StopIteration:
+ if a is None:
+ break
+ b = None
+ b_begin = INFINITY
+ b_pre = ()
+ b_post = ()
+ b_end = INFINITY
+ else:
+ b_pre = b.pre_context
+ b_post = b.post_context
+ b_begin = b.lhs_line + len(b_pre)
+ b_end = b_begin + len(b.lhs)
+ if a_end <= b_begin:
+ gap = b_begin - a_end
+ if (n := len(a_post) + len(b_pre) - gap) > 0:
+ assert (a_pre + a.rhs + a_post)[-n:] == (b_pre + b.lhs + b_post)[:n]
+ if (n := len(a_post) - gap) > 0:
+ a_post = a_post[:gap] + (b.rhs + b_post)[:n]
+ if (n := len(b_pre) - gap) > 0:
+ b_pre = (a_pre + a.lhs)[-n:] + b_pre[n:]
+ wa(Hunk(
+ lhs_line = a.lhs_line + delta_b,
+ rhs_line = a.rhs_line + delta_b,
+ pre_context = a_pre,
+ lhs = a.lhs,
+ rhs = a.rhs,
+ post_context = a_post,
+ ))
+ delta_a += len(a.rhs) - len(a.lhs)
+ need_a = True
+ continue
+ if b_end <= a_begin:
+ gap = a_begin - b_end
+ if (n := len(b_post) + len(a_pre) - gap) > 0:
+ assert (b_pre + b.lhs + b_post)[-n:] == (a_pre + a.rhs + a_post)[:n]
+ if (n := len(b_post) - gap) > 0:
+ b_post = b_post[:gap] + (a.lhs + a_post)[:n]
+ if (n := len(a_pre) - gap) > 0:
+ a_pre = (b_pre + b.rhs)[-n:] + a_pre[n:]
+ wb(Hunk(
+ lhs_line = b.lhs_line - delta_a,
+ rhs_line = b.rhs_line - delta_a,
+ pre_context = b_pre,
+ lhs = b.lhs,
+ rhs = b.rhs,
+ post_context = b_post,
+ ))
+ delta_b += len(b.rhs) - len(b.lhs)
+ need_b = True
+ continue
+ raise ConflictError(a, b)
+ return (*rb,), (*ra,)
+class FileDiff:
+ __slots__ = ('src_name', 'dst_name', 'src_mode', 'dst_mode', 'hunks',)
+ def __init__(self, /, *, src_name, dst_name, src_mode, dst_mode, hunks):
+ assert (src_mode is ...) == (dst_mode is ...)
+ assert (src_name is None) == (src_mode is None)
+ assert (dst_name is None) == (dst_mode is None)
+ self.src_name = src_name
+ self.dst_name = dst_name
+ if src_mode == dst_mode:
+ self.src_mode = ...
+ self.dst_mode = ...
+ else:
+ self.src_mode = src_mode
+ self.dst_mode = dst_mode
+ self.hunks = hunks
+ @property
+ def op_kind_name(self):
+ if self.src_name is None:
+ return 'create'
+ if self.dst_name is None:
+ return 'delete'
+ is_chmod = self.dst_mode != self.dst_mode
+ if self.dst_name != self.dst_name:
+ return 'chmod+rename' if is_chmod else 'rename'
+ if self.hunks:
+ return 'chmod+modify' if is_chmod else 'modify'
+ return 'chmod' if is_chmod else 'noop'
+ def write(self, w):
+ src_name = self.src_name
+ dst_name = self.dst_name
+ if src_name is None:
+ assert dst_name is not None
+ w(f'diff --git a/{dst_name} b/{dst_name}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ elif dst_name is None:
+ w(f'diff --git a/{src_name} b/{src_name}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ else:
+ w(f'diff --git a/{src_name} b/{dst_name}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ if src_name is not None and dst_name is not None and src_name != dst_name:
+ w(f'rename from {src_name}\nrename to {dst_name}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ m = self.src_mode
+ if dst_name is None:
+ assert m is not None
+ w(f'deleted file mode {m}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ elif m not in (None, ...):
+ w(f'old mode {m}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ m = self.dst_mode
+ if src_name is None:
+ assert m is not None
+ w(f'new file mode {m}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ elif m not in (None, ...):
+ w(f'new mode {m}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ h = self.hunks
+ if h:
+ if src_name is None:
+ src_name = '/dev/null'
+ lhs_line = 0
+ else:
+ src_name = f'a/{src_name}'
+ lhs_line = None
+ if dst_name is None:
+ dst_name = '/dev/null'
+ rhs_line = 0
+ else:
+ dst_name = f'b/{dst_name}'
+ rhs_line = None
+ w(f'--- {src_name}\n+++ {dst_name}\n'.encode('utf-8'))
+ for h in h:
+ h.write(w, lhs_line=lhs_line, rhs_line=rhs_line)
+ def __neg__(self, /):
+ tp = type(self)
+class Diff:
+ __slots__ = ('files',)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.files = ()
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return not not self.files
+ @classmethod
+ def _sort_files(tp, files):
+ r = object.__new__(tp)
+ r.files = (*sorted(files, key=lambda f: (f.src_name or '', f.dst_name or '')),)
+ return r
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_l(tp, l, line):
+ files = []
+ while True:
+ l = l.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
+ if l == '--' or not l:
+ break
+ m = rem_diffgit(l)
+ if m is None:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid patch: expected \'diff --git ...\' header, got {l!r}')
+ header = l
+ src_name,dst_name = m.groups()
+ src_exists = ...
+ dst_exists = ...
+ if not src_exists and not dst_exists:
+ raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ if (not src_exists or not dst_exists) and src_name != dst_name:
+ raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ has_diff = False
+ has_chmod = False
+ has_rename = False
+ dst_mode = ...
+ src_mode = ...
+ while True:
+ l = line()
+ if l.startswith(b'--- a/'):
+ if src_exists is False: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ src_exists = True
+ if l[6:].decode('utf-8') != src_name:
+ raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ has_diff = True
+ continue
+ if l == b'--- /dev/null':
+ if src_exists is True: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ src_exists = False
+ has_diff = True
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'+++ b/'):
+ if dst_exists is False: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ dst_exists = True
+ if l[6:].decode('utf-8') != dst_name:
+ raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ has_diff = True
+ continue
+ if l == b'+++ /dev/null':
+ if dst_exists is True: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ dst_exists = False
+ has_diff = True
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'index '):
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'new file mode '):
+ if src_exists is True: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ if dst_exists is False: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ src_exists = False
+ dst_exists=True
+ dst_mode = l[14:].decode('ascii')
+ src_mode = None
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'new mode '):
+ dst_mode = l[9:].decode('ascii')
+ has_chmod = True
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'deleted file mode '):
+ if src_exists is False: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ if dst_exists is True: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ src_exists = True
+ dst_exists = False
+ src_mode = l[18:].decode('ascii')
+ dst_mode = None
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'old mode '):
+ if dst_exists is False:
+ raise RuntimeError('File deleted')
+ src_mode = l[9:].decode('ascii')
+ has_chmod = True
+ dst_exists = True
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'similarity index '):
+ has_rename = True
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'rename from '):
+ has_rename = True
+ rename_from = l[12:].decode('utf-8')
+ continue
+ if l.startswith(b'rename to '):
+ rename_to = l[10:].decode('utf-8')
+ has_rename = True
+ continue
+ break
+ if has_chmod or has_rename:
+ if src_exists is False: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ if dst_exists is False: raise RuntimeError('wtf')
+ src_exists = True
+ dst_exists = True
+ if has_chmod:
+ assert src_mode is not ...
+ assert dst_mode is not ...
+ assert src_exists is not ...
+ if not src_exists:
+ assert dst_mode is not ...
+ assert dst_exists is not ...
+ if not dst_exists:
+ assert src_mode is not ...
+ if has_rename:
+ if src_name == dst_name or not src_exists or not dst_exists:
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Bad rename: {src_name!r} -> {dst_name!r}')
+ assert rename_from == src_name
+ assert rename_to == dst_name
+ if not src_exists: src_name = None
+ if not dst_exists: dst_name = None
+ assert (src_mode is ...) == (dst_mode is ...)
+ assert has_diff or has_chmod or has_rename or not dst_exists
+ #want_header = fmt_diff_git(src_name, dst_name)
+ #if header != want_header:
+ # raise ValueError(f'Invalid patch: expected {want_header!r} header, got {header!r}')
+ if has_diff:
+ hunks = []
+ while True:
+ l,hunk = Hunk.parse_l(l, line)
+ hunk = hunk.reduce_context()
+ if hunk is not None:
+ hunks.append(hunk)
+ if not l.startswith(b'@@ '):
+ break
+ if src_name is None:
+ assert len(hunks) == 1
+ assert len(hunks[0].pre_context) == 0
+ assert len(hunks[0].post_context) == 0
+ assert len(hunks[0].lhs) == 0
+ assert hunks[0].lhs_line == 1
+ hunks[0].lhs_line = 1
+ if dst_name is None:
+ assert len(hunks) == 1
+ assert len(hunks[0].pre_context) == 0
+ assert len(hunks[0].post_context) == 0
+ assert len(hunks[0].rhs) == 0
+ assert hunks[0].rhs_line == 1
+ hunks = (*hunks,)
+ else:
+ hunks = ()
+ files.append(FileDiff(
+ src_name = src_name,
+ dst_name = dst_name,
+ src_mode = src_mode,
+ dst_mode = dst_mode,
+ hunks = hunks,
+ ))
+ try:
+ l = line().rstrip()
+ except StopIteration:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if l[0] not in b'0123456789':
+ l = l.decode('utf-8')
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: expected git version, got {l!r}')
+ while True:
+ try:
+ l = line()
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ if l.strip():
+ l = l.decode('utf-8')
+ raise ValueError('Invalid patch: got trailing garbage {l!r}')
+ return tp._sort_files(files)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(tp, body):
+ line = iter(body.split(b'\n')).__next__
+ return tp.parse_l(line(), line)
+ def write(self, w, /):
+ for f in self.files:
+ f.write(w)
+ def write_munged(self, w, /):
+ for f in self.files:
+ w((f.src_name or '').encode('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\n')
+ w((f.dst_name or '').encode('utf-8'))
+ w(b'\n')
+ for h in f.hunks:
+ h.write(w, True)
+ w(b'\n')
+ def __neg__(self):
+ return Diff._sort_files((*(FileDiff(
+ src_name = f.dst_name,
+ dst_name = f.src_name,
+ src_mode = f.dst_mode,
+ dst_mode = f.src_mode,
+ hunks = (*(Hunk(
+ lhs_line = h.rhs_line,
+ rhs_line = h.lhs_line,
+ pre_context = h.pre_context,
+ lhs = h.rhs,
+ rhs = h.lhs,
+ post_context = h.post_context,
+ ) for h in f.hunks),),
+ ) for f in self.files),))
+ def __add__(a, b):
+ tp = type(a)
+ if type(b) is not tp:
+ raise TypeError
+ r = []
+ w = r.append
+ fdiff = FileDiff
+ def join(fa, fb):
+ src_name = fa.src_name
+ dst_name = fb.dst_name
+ src_mode = fa.src_mode
+ dst_mode = fb.dst_mode
+ if src_mode is ...:
+ if dst_mode is not ...:
+ src_mode = fb.src_mode
+ elif dst_mode is ...:
+ dst_mode = fa.dst_mode
+ elif fa.dst_mode != fb.src_mode:
+ raise ValueError('mismatch')
+ hunks = (*join_hunks(fa.hunks, fb.hunks),)
+ if src_name is None and dst_name is None:
+ if hunks:
+ raise ValueError('mismatch')
+ return
+ if src_name == dst_name and src_mode == dst_mode and not hunks:
+ return
+ w(fdiff(
+ src_name = src_name,
+ dst_name = dst_name,
+ src_mode = src_mode,
+ dst_mode = dst_mode,
+ hunks = hunks,
+ ))
+ _pair_diffs(a, b, on_lhs=w, on_rhs=w, on_pair=join, on_re=join)
+ return tp._sort_files(r)
+ @classmethod
+ def commute(tp, a, b):
+ if type(a) is not tp or type(b) is not tp:
+ raise TypeError
+ ra = []
+ rb = []
+ wa = ra.append
+ wb = rb.append
+ fdiff = FileDiff
+ def join(fa, fb):
+ name1 = fa.src_name
+ name2 = fa.dst_name
+ name3 = fb.dst_name
+ if name1 == name2:
+ name2 = name3
+ elif name2 == name3:
+ name2 = name1
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('cannot commute {name2!r}: {fa.op_kind_name} / {fb.op_kind_name}')
+ mode1 = fa.src_mode
+ mode3 = fb.dst_mode
+ if mode1 is ...:
+ if mode3 is ...:
+ mode2 = ...
+ else:
+ mode1 = fb.src_mode
+ mode2 = mode3
+ elif mode3 is ...:
+ mode3 = fa.dst_mode
+ mode2 = mode1
+ else:
+ mode2 = fb.dst_mode
+ if fa.src_mode != mode2:
+ raise ValueError('mismatch')
+ if mode1 == mode2:
+ mode2 = mode3
+ elif mode2 == mode3:
+ mode2 = mode1
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('cannot commute {name2!r}: chmod/chmod conflict')
+ try:
+ hb,ha = commute_hunks(fa.hunks, fb.hunks)
+ except PatchError as err:
+ err.args = (name1, name2, name3)
+ raise
+ wa(fdiff(
+ src_name = name1,
+ dst_name = name2,
+ src_mode = mode1,
+ dst_mode = mode2,
+ hunks = ha,
+ ))
+ wb(fdiff(
+ src_name = name2,
+ dst_name = name3,
+ src_mode = mode2,
+ dst_mode = mode3,
+ hunks = hb,
+ ))
+ _pair_diffs(a, b, on_lhs=wa, on_rhs=wb, on_re=join, on_pair=join)
+ return tp._sort_files(rb), tp._sort_files(ra)
+def _pair_diffs(a, b, *, on_lhs, on_rhs, on_pair, on_re):
+ a_del = {}
+ b_new = {}
+ a_dst = {}
+ b_dst = set()
+ for f in a.files:
+ dst = f.dst_name
+ if dst is None:
+ a_del[f.src_name] = f
+ continue
+ a_dst[dst] = f
+ a = a_dst.pop
+ for f in b.files:
+ dst = f.dst_name
+ if dst is not None:
+ b_dst.add(dst)
+ src = f.src_name
+ if src is None:
+ b_new[dst] = f
+ continue
+ try:
+ f2 = a(src)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ on_pair(f2, f)
+ continue
+ on_rhs(f)
+ for dst in a_dst.keys() & b_dst:
+ raise ValueError(f'mismatch for {dst!r}')
+ b = b_new.pop
+ for src,f in a_del.items():
+ try:
+ f2 = b(src)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ on_re(f, f2)
+ continue
+ on_lhs(f)
+ for f in b_new.values():
+ on_rhs(f)
+ for f in a_dst.values():
+ on_lhs(f)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c5392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import patchstate as ps
+import io, os, sys
+def main(args):
+ args = iter(args)
+ arg0 = next(args)
+ @ps.argparse_all(args)
+ def path(arg):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid argument: {arg!r}')
+ [repo_path] = path
+ repo = ps.Repository(repo_path)
+ for h in repo.aliases:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(repo.path, f'{h}.patch'))
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..065ed01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import patchstate as ps
+import io, os, sys
+from import_series import lcs
+def parse_prev(info):
+ if not info.startswith('(was ') or not info.endswith(')'):
+ raise ValueError
+ return info[5:-1]
+def main(args):
+ args = iter(args)
+ arg0 = next(args)
+ @ps.argparse_all(args)
+ def path(arg):
+ raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid argument: {arg!r}')
+ [repo_path] = path
+ repo = ps.Repository(repo_path)
+ with, 'series'), 'r') as f:
+ pcur = ps.Series.parse(
+ gone_seq = []
+ new_seq = []
+ updated = {}
+ def fix_seq():
+ s = lcs(gone_seq, new_seq, key=lambda p: p.patch_title)
+ del gone_seq[:]
+ del new_seq[:]
+ for p_gone, p_new in s:
+ if p_gone is None or p_new is None:
+ continue
+ updated[p_new] = parse_prev([0])
+ updated[p_gone] = None
+ for i,pi in enumerate(
+ m = pi.mode
+ if m == 'gone':
+ gone_seq.append(pi)
+ elif m == 'new':
+ new_seq.append(pi)
+ else:
+ fix_seq()
+ fix_seq()
+ inf = []
+ for pi in
+ try:
+ mode = updated[pi]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if mode is None:
+ continue
+ assert pi.mode == 'new'
+ pi = pi.update(mode=mode)
+ inf.append(pi)
+ pnew = ps.Series(inf).fmt()
+ with, 'series'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write(pnew)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))