// Copyright 2019 Hristo Venev // // See COPYING. #[macro_use] extern crate arrayref; use std::io; use std::time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime}; mod bin; mod config; mod ip; mod proto; mod wg; struct Source { config: config::Source, data: Option, next_update: Instant, backoff: Option, } impl Source { fn new(config: config::Source) -> Source { Source { config, data: None, next_update: Instant::now(), backoff: None, } } } pub struct Device { dev: wg::Device, peer_config: config::PeerConfig, update_config: config::UpdateConfig, sources: Vec, current: wg::Config, } impl Device { pub fn new(ifname: String, c: config::Config) -> io::Result { let dev = wg::Device::new(ifname)?; Ok(Device { dev, peer_config: c.peer_config, update_config: c.update_config, sources: c.sources.into_iter().map(Source::new).collect(), current: wg::Config::default(), }) } fn refresh_period(&self) -> Duration { Duration::from_secs(u64::from(self.update_config.refresh_period)) } fn make_config( &self, public_key: &str, ts: SystemTime, ) -> (wg::Config, Vec, SystemTime) { let mut t_cfg = ts + self.refresh_period(); let mut sources: Vec<(&Source, &proto::SourceConfig)> = vec![]; for src in self.sources.iter() { if let Some(ref data) = src.data { let sc = data .next .as_ref() .and_then(|next| { if ts >= next.update_at { Some(&next.config) } else { t_cfg = t_cfg.min(next.update_at); None } }) .unwrap_or(&data.config); sources.push((src, sc)); } } let mut cfg = wg::ConfigBuilder::new(public_key, &self.peer_config); let mut errs = vec![]; for (src, sc) in sources.iter() { for peer in sc.servers.iter() { cfg.add_server(&mut errs, &src.config, peer); } } for (src, sc) in sources.iter() { for peer in sc.road_warriors.iter() { cfg.add_road_warrior(&mut errs, &src.config, peer); } } let cfg = cfg.build(); (cfg, errs, t_cfg) } pub fn update(&mut self) -> io::Result { let refresh = self.refresh_period(); let mut now = Instant::now(); let mut t_refresh = now + refresh; for src in self.sources.iter_mut() { if now < src.next_update { t_refresh = t_refresh.min(src.next_update); continue; } let r = fetch_source(&src.config.url); now = Instant::now(); let r = match r { Ok(r) => { eprintln!("<6>Updated [{}]", &src.config.url); src.data = Some(r); src.backoff = None; src.next_update = now + refresh; continue; } Err(r) => r, }; eprintln!("<3>Failed to update [{}]: {}", &src.config.url, &r); let b = src.backoff.unwrap_or(if src.data.is_some() { refresh / 3 } else { Duration::from_secs(10).min(refresh / 10) }); src.next_update = now + b; t_refresh = t_refresh.min(src.next_update); let b = (b + b / 3).min(refresh); src.backoff = Some(b); } let now = Instant::now(); let sysnow = SystemTime::now(); let public_key = self.dev.get_public_key()?; let (config, errors, t_cfg) = self.make_config(&public_key, sysnow); let time_to_cfg = t_cfg .duration_since(sysnow) .unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(0)); let t_cfg = now + time_to_cfg; if config != self.current { eprintln!("<5>Applying configuration update"); for err in errors.iter() { eprintln!("<{}>{}", if err.important { '4' } else { '5' }, err); } self.dev.apply_diff(&self.current, &config)?; self.current = config; } Ok(if t_cfg < t_refresh { eprintln!("<6>Next configuration update after {:?}", time_to_cfg); t_cfg } else if t_refresh > now { eprintln!("<6>Next refresh after {:?}", t_refresh.duration_since(now)); t_refresh } else { now }) } } fn fetch_source(url: &str) -> io::Result { use std::env; use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; let curl = match env::var_os("CURL") { None => OsString::new(), Some(v) => v, }; let mut proc = Command::new(if curl.is_empty() { OsStr::new("curl") } else { curl.as_os_str() }); proc.stdin(Stdio::null()); proc.stdout(Stdio::piped()); proc.stderr(Stdio::null()); proc.arg("--fail"); proc.arg("--fail-early"); proc.arg("--"); proc.arg(url); let out = proc.output()?; if !out.status.success() { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Failed to download [{}]", url), )); } let mut de = serde_json::Deserializer::from_slice(&out.stdout); let r = serde::Deserialize::deserialize(&mut de)?; Ok(r) } fn load_config(path: &str) -> io::Result { use toml; use std::fs; let mut data = String::new(); { use io::Read; let mut config_file = fs::File::open(path)?; config_file.read_to_string(&mut data)?; } let mut de = toml::Deserializer::new(&data); serde::Deserialize::deserialize(&mut de).map_err(|e| { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e) }) } fn main() { use std::{env, process, thread}; let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); if args.len() != 3 { let arg0 = if !args.is_empty() { &args[0] } else { "wgconf" }; eprintln!("<1>Usage:"); eprintln!("<1> {} IFNAME CONFIG", arg0); process::exit(1); } let mut args = args.into_iter(); let _ = args.next().unwrap(); let ifname = args.next().unwrap(); let config_path = args.next().unwrap(); assert!(args.next().is_none()); let config = match load_config(&config_path) { Ok(c) => c, Err(e) => { eprintln!("<1>Failed to load config: {}", e); process::exit(1); } }; let mut dev = match Device::new(ifname, config) { Ok(dev) => dev, Err(e) => { eprintln!("<1>Failed to open device: {}", e); process::exit(1); } }; loop { let tm = match dev.update() { Ok(t) => t, Err(e) => { eprintln!("<1>{}", e); process::exit(1); } }; let now = Instant::now(); if tm > now { let sleep = tm.duration_since(now); thread::sleep(sleep); } } }