wgconfd is a configuration manager for [WireGuard](https://wireguard.com).
General behavior
`wgconfd INTERFACE CONFIG` starts a process that manages some peers of a WireGuard interface. It adds/overwrites peers it knows about and removes peers once they disappear from its view. It leaves any peers it has never seen intact.
TODO: Right now `wgconfd` does not persist its state across restarts. Restarting resets all endpoints and does not remove peers that disappeared from its view while it was down.
The configuration consists of a set of sources. A source consists of a URL (required), a set of allowed IP address ranges (optional, defaults to nothing), and a preshared key (optional):
refresh_sec = 1200 # default
min_keepalive = 10 # default
max_keepalive = 0 # default, means "never"
url = "https://wg.example.org/peers.json"
ipv4 = [ "", "" ]
ipv6 = [ "2001:db8::/32" ]
url = "https://wg.example.com/peers.json"
ipv4 = [ "", "" ]
ipv6 = [ "2001:db8:1234:/48" ]
psk = "GBRwvlGYEcHqe+ft+px5I9dMAGWAqsghftSDz2PhoM8="
url = "file:///home/user1/.config/wg-dev.json"
ipv4 = [ "" ]
url = "file:///home/user2/.config/wg-dev.json"
ipv6 = [ "2001:db8::5/128" ]
All IP address ranges from the source URL not entirely contained within the config are discarded - if a source claims `` but the config only allows ``, nothing is allowed.
The preshared key is applied to all peers defined in a source. If a single peer is defined in multiple sources, only the endpoint and preshared key from a single nondeterministic source are considered, but all IP ranges are allowed (TODO: add some per-pubkey filtering).
Source format
The source describes a list of peers with their associated `endpoint` address (required), `keepalive` (optional, defaults to never), and `ipv4` and `ipv6` ranges (optional, defaults to nothing):
"servers": [{
"public_key": "hw0U7vI2rhjG9mQ34CUKO6M4dIF9e8ofKj5N6cAPtwY=",
"endpoint": "",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
}, {
"public_key": "nlFVtJrOwR2sVJji6NQjXnv//GVUK5W9T7ftkSnYPA8=",
"endpoint": "[2002:cb00:71af::4]:656",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
### Road warriors
wgconfd also supports roaming peers called "road warriors":
"road_warriors": [{
"public_key": "YJ0Ye/Z/f+kzMu5au8JL/OP+cMs0eRsJPSQ9FZIa7Sk=",
"base": "ymTvQHxgEDacZq90T/1dYR4ARvtbBTH4rIHab83WFBY=",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
}, ...]
A road warrior does not have an endpoint and does not run wgconfd - it is instead expected to only talk to its base server peer.
On the base peer, a WireGuard peer is created for the road warrior. On all other peers an additional allowed IP address is added for the base.
A road warrior from one source can use a server from another source, but allowed IPs are always checked against the source that contains the road warrior definition.
### Configuration updates
The root object can contain a field `"next"` with an `"update_at"` timestamp and another configuration:
"servers": [{
"public_key": "hw0U7vI2rhjG9mQ34CUKO6M4dIF9e8ofKj5N6cAPtwY=",
"endpoint": "",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
}, {
"public_key": "nlFVtJrOwR2sVJji6NQjXnv//GVUK5W9T7ftkSnYPA8=",
"endpoint": "[2002:cb00:71af::4]:656",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
"road_warriors": [{
"public_key": "YJ0Ye/Z/f+kzMu5au8JL/OP+cMs0eRsJPSQ9FZIa7Sk=",
"base": "ymTvQHxgEDacZq90T/1dYR4ARvtbBTH4rIHab83WFBY=",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
"next": {
"update_at": "2033-05-18T03:33:20Z",
"servers": [{
"public_key": "hw0U7vI2rhjG9mQ34CUKO6M4dIF9e8ofKj5N6cAPtwY=",
"endpoint": "",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
}, {
"public_key": "nlFVtJrOwR2sVJji6NQjXnv//GVUK5W9T7ftkSnYPA8=",
"endpoint": "[2002:cb00:71af::4]:656",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
}, {
"public_key": "nlFVtJrOwR2sVJji6NQjXnv//GVUK5W9T7ftkSnYPA8=",
"endpoint": "[2001:db8:ddcc:bbaa::5]:565",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
"road_warriors": [{
"public_key": "YJ0Ye/Z/f+kzMu5au8JL/OP+cMs0eRsJPSQ9FZIa7Sk=",
"base": "nlFVtJrOwR2sVJji6NQjXnv//GVUK5W9T7ftkSnYPA8=",
"ipv4": [ "" ]
All instances of `wgconfd` using that source will switch to the new configuration at the same time according to their system clocks. Note that the regular mechanism for updates still applies - to cancel an update, remove the `"next"` field early enough so that all machines refresh the source before `"update_at"`.